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BigYellowKey News
(click here to view all BYK news)

Imminent: 4/1/2016 4:05:00 PM
BYZ Development Points have been changed
Click Here for details.
The new BYZ Development Points (BYZ192) replace all previous BYZ Points which are now no longer available.

Released: 4/1/2016 3:05:00 PM
BYZ Annual Pass Now Available!
Click Here for details.
The BYZ Annual Pass replaces the BYZ addon subscription service.

Released: 4/1/2016 2:05:00 PM
The BYZ Terms and Conditions have been changed.
Click Here for details.

Apologies, but online Payments are temporary unavailable as we are in the process of changing our payment gateway.
Please contact us if you wish to place an order and we will organize a manual payment process for you.
We hope/expect online payments to be available again soon.


What's New - Software Upgrades

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Below is a list of software enhancements (new versions of pre-existing modules), displayed in the order that the version was released, ie the most recently enhanced modules are shown at the top.

Missing Image Reporting for VPCart - BYZ068 Missing Image Reporting for VPCart - BYZ068
Date Change was released: 27-NOV-2016 (BYZ068/09)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V29 to V35)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V17 to V19)
Changed the license/terms/conditions that relate to all BigYellowZone software/services.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Tested and approved for compatibility with VPCart V8.
Added extra logic to catch image values which have characters in them such as spaces or brackets or commas that would cause the find-path function to fail (previously these files would cause an asp error and you wouldnt know which file was causing the error).
Effected files:
README* (changed files)
vpcartv7andabove/byz$068_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_mir_$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_mir_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_mir_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_missingimagereport.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_missingimagereportcat.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz$068_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz_mir_$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz_mir_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz_mir_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz_missingimagereport.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz_missingimagereportcat.asp (changed file)
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ068 (version: 09/27-NOV-2016)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
This VPCart Admin tool will query your products and categories and show you products and categories where the image columns (cimageurl and/or extendedimage and/or catimage etc) have blank values or where they point to non-existent/physically-missing files.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036
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Quick Order Screen for VPCart - BYZ084 Quick Order Screen for VPCart - BYZ084
Date Change was released: 04-MAY-2016 (BYZ084/05)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V21 to V35)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V15 to V19)
Changed the license/terms/conditions that relate to all BigYellowZone software/services.
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Added display for the mini-cart where items can also be altered/deleted.
Changed the posting process (send to trolley etc) to use ajax instead of a full screen post.
Effected files:
README* (changed files)
terms.htm (new file replacing the previous license document)
byz$084_version.asp (changed file)
byz_quickorder$$_config_optional_styles.css (changed file)
byz_quickorder$$_config_options.asp (changed file)
byz_quickorder$$_config_sub_header.asp (changed file)
byz_quickorder_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
byz_quickorder_inc_fun_version.asp (changed file)
byz_quickorder_inc_vars_version.asp (changed file)
byz_quickorder_fun_cartdisp_inc.asp (new file)
byz_quickorder_fun_js_inc.asp (new file)
byz_quickorder_system.asp (deleted file)
byz_quickorder_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
quickorder.asp (changed file)
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ084 (version: 05/04-MAY-2016)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
The Quick Order screen allows rapid entry of product codes and quantities.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036
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Live Update for VPCart - BYZ036 Live Update for VPCart - BYZ036
Date Change was released: 04-MAY-2016 (BYZ036/19)
Changed the license/terms/conditions that relate to all BigYellowZone software/services.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V31 to V35).
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
terms.htm (new file replacing the previous license document)
byz$036_version.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ036 (version: 19/04-MAY-2016)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Easily see which addons you have on your site, along with a traffic light system so you can easily spot where upgrades are available
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Used for version control and information. Needed for all Big Yellow Zone products that use VPCart. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 This module includes: BYZ038
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Licensing/Tools for VPCart - BYZ038 Licensing/Tools for VPCart - BYZ038
Date Change was released: 04-MAY-2016 (BYZ038/35)
Changed the license/terms/conditions that relate to all BigYellowZone software/services.
Added more functions to the tools, to be used in various other BYZ modules going forwards.
Changed the int cleaning function to avoid decimals from being applied and to avoid overflow errors when the integer is too long for a VBScript CLng.
Changed AES encryption/decryption functions to deal with null values.
Changed the field-chooser tools to allow for extra styles.
For a full list of effected files, see the version history readme file that comes with the BYZ038 module.
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ038 (version: 35/04-MAY-2016)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
This allows the licensing and general tools of BigYellowZone software to work properly.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Needed for all Big Yellow Zone products that use VPCart.
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Customized Tabs for VPCart - BYZ166 Customized Tabs for VPCart - BYZ166
Date Change was released: 17-SEP-2015 (BYZ166/06)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V19 to V34)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V14 to V18)
Upgraded BYZ025 (from V08 to V09)
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Changed to use more BYZ038 library functions where appropriate/possible.
Added extra installation steps to allow deletion and copying of product tabs data from the edit-product screen when you delete/copy a product record.
Please Note: If upgrading from V01, V02, or V03, then please upload the admin/byz166_prepare.asp file to your VPCart admin folder, login to admin, and then run/browse the byz166_prepare.asp file following the notes on the screen, and then delete that file from your admin folder.
Please Note: If upgrading from V01, V02, V03, or V04, then you will need to make sure you add the include of the byz_ptb_global_fun_inc.asp file to your byz_sys_global_fun_inc.asp file, see the installation notes for more details.
Files effected:
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
vpcartv7/byz$166_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_ptb_$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_ptb_extra_tabs_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_ptb_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_ptb_global_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_ptb_tabs_standard_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_ptb_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz166_addlangcol.asp (deleted file; this logic is now part of byz166_prepare.asp instead)
vpcartv7/admin/byz166_prepare.asp (changed file - this file is used for initial installation/upgrade only and should not be left on your site)
vpcartv7/admin/byz_ptb_edittabs.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/admin/byz_ptb_edittabs_call_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv8andabove* (new files)
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ166 (version: 06/17-SEP-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
This allows you to easily add your own product tabs to your product detail pages.
Compatible with VPCart V7 to V8. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025
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MultiBuy Discounts for VPCart - BYZ168 MultiBuy Discounts for VPCart - BYZ168
Date Change was released: 16-SEP-2015 (BYZ168/02)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V12 to V34)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V07 to V18)
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Changed to use more BYZ038 library functions where appropriate/possible.
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
vpcartv4.5to5.5/byz$168_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv4.5to5.5/byz_mbd_$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv4.5to5.5/byz_mbd_fun_call_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv4.5to5.5/byz_mbd_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv4.5to5.5/byz168_prepare.asp (changed file - this file is used for initial installation only and should not be left on your site)
vpcartv6.0to6.5/byz$168_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.0to6.5/byz_mbd_$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.0to6.5/byz_mbd_fun_call_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.0to6.5/byz_mbd_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.0to6.5/byz168_prepare.asp (changed file - this file is used for initial installation only and should not be left on your site)
vpcartv7/byz$168_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_mbd_$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_mbd_fun_call_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_mbd_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/admin/byz168_prepare.asp (changed file - this file is used for initial installation only and should not be left on your site)
vpcartv8andabove* (new files)
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ168 (version: 02/16-SEP-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
MultiBuy Discounts for VPCart, buy-1-get-1-free, 3-for-2 etc - create discount shelves with different options and put whatever products you want on them.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036
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Bulk Product Updater for VPCart - BYZ089 Bulk Product Updater for VPCart - BYZ089
Date Change was released: 08-SEP-2015 (BYZ089/11)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V28 to V34)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V17 to V18)
Upgraded BYZ025 (from V08 to V09)
Changed the category-tree logic to avoid problems with too many nested cursors.
Cleaned up the html in the screen.
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
vpcartv4.5to5.5/byz$089_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv4.5to5.5/byz_bku_bulkupdate.asp (changed file)
vpcartv4.5to5.5/byz_bku_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.0to6.5/byz$089_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.0to6.5/byz_bku_bulkupdate.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.0to6.5/byz_bku_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz$089_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_bku_bulkupdate.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_bku_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpcartv8andabove* (new files)
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ089 (version: 11/08-SEP-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
This time saving utility allows you to perform bulk product updates based on selectable criteria.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025
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Enhanced Paging/Searching for VPCart - BYZ116 Enhanced Paging/Searching for VPCart - BYZ116
Date Change was released: 27-AUG-2015 (BYZ116/28)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V31 to V34).
Added extra options/logic to allow multiple-selection of values for a given filter using check-boxes (eg to find products which are either red or blue).
Corrected additional filter-type processing as they were not working correctly before.
Restructured the filter side-panel files/functions/html to help centralise the core logic and separate out any VPCart version-specific differences where possible.
NOTE: If upgrading from a previous version, then you will need to add an extra argument (the default value is S) to the front of your existing filter wrapper function calls in your byz_sls_$config_filters.asp and byz_sls_$config_filters_dynamic.asp files, ie the BYZ_SLS_ADD_FILTER_STATIC* and BYZ_SLS_ADD_FILTER_DYNAMIC* functions.
For a full list of effected files, see the version history file that come with the new zip file.
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ116 (version: 28/27-AUG-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Enhance your customers visit by giving them improved search results.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 BYZ025 BYZ121 BYZ162 (relevant to VPCart V7 or above only) This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 BYZ025 BYZ121 BYZ162 (relevant to VPCart V7 or above only)
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Error Logging for ASP - BYZ188 Error Logging for ASP - BYZ188
Date Change was released: 30-JUL-2015 (BYZ188/04)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V31 to V34).
Added new config options and logic so that you can disguise/mask specific fields, session-values, querystring arguments, and cookies (such as credit cards), so that you can safely dump error logs/stacks without having to worry about having unencrypted credit cards or other details like passwords in your log files.
Added extra logic to exclude the ALL_HTTP and ALL_RAW server variables from the error log output as they are simply copies of the other individual server variables which are already outputted elsewhere in the server variables output block. This drastically reduces the size of the log files and makes it a lot easier to read.
Changed to output all server variables (apart from ALL_HTTP and ALL_RAW) to the log files, even the blank ones (which werent previously outputted).
Added {STARTVAL} at the beginning of all the stack lines so that you can more easily spot when a given value starts/ends when it spans multiple physical lines in the log file.
PLEASE NOTE: If upgrading from a previous version, its crucial that you configure the new options to match any fields/session-values etc that your site may use that need to be disguised/masked in the logs, AND that you secure/delete your old log files.
See the config file for more help/details.
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
byz$188_version.asp (changed file)
byz_erl_$config.asp (changed file)
byz_erl_common_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
byz_erl_common_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ188 (version: 04/30-JUL-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Create detailed log files automatically every time a user on your site gets a 500 Server Error, and allow the site visitor to see a friendly customizable screen that indicates an error has occurred. The user will not see the full error, but the log files that you have access to via FTP will have a full stack with everything you need to know about what the user was doing at the time and what the error was and who the user was. You can also dump the stack from anywhere within your own ASP code.
Compatible with any classic asp system (generic asp, and any version of VPCart)
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Licensing/Tools for VPCart - BYZ038 Licensing/Tools for VPCart - BYZ038
Date Change was released: 23-JUL-2015 (BYZ038/34)
Added extra functions/files for a field-chooser, to be used in various other BYZ modules going forwards and also available for custom-created usage.
For a full list of effected files, see the version history readme file that comes with the BYZ038 module.
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ038 (version: 35/04-MAY-2016)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
This allows the licensing and general tools of BigYellowZone software to work properly.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Needed for all Big Yellow Zone products that use VPCart.
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Licensing/Tools for VPCart - BYZ038 Licensing/Tools for VPCart - BYZ038
Date Change was released: 01-JUN-2015 (BYZ038/33)
Added extra functions/file for AES encryption/decryption, to be used in various other BYZ modules going forwards and also available for custom-created usage.
For a full list of effected files, see the version history readme file that comes with the BYZ038 module.
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ038 (version: 35/04-MAY-2016)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
This allows the licensing and general tools of BigYellowZone software to work properly.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Needed for all Big Yellow Zone products that use VPCart.
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SagePay (aka Protx) 3D Secure Gateway for VPASP 6.0 - 6.5 - BYZ131
Date Change was released: 31-MAY-2015 (BYZ131/07)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V29 to V33).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V17 to V18).
Completely rewritten/restructured to be compatible with the latest sagepay version (V3).
If upgrading from a previous version, please backup, and then uninstall/delete all your old BYZ131 files, and then install the new version.
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ131 (version: 07/31-MAY-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Installation and software for interface for the SagePay 3D Secure Gateway for VPASP
Compatible with VPASP V6 to V6.5 Once you have purchased this service, we will be in contact to arrange an installation time. Important notice: ** Installation, files and set-up of the system are included in the cost ** XSLT/ Custom templates are an addition service, this product uses the standard Protx templates
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Category File Management Enhancements for VPCart (Static Category/Product-Summary Pages) - BYZ164 Category File Management Enhancements for VPCart (Static Category/Product-Summary Pages) - BYZ164
Date Change was released: 31-MAY-2015 (BYZ164/11)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V28 to V32).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V17 to V18).
Upgraded BYZ143 (from V04 to V05).
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Created new config option and changed file-generation logic so that the static files can be created as UTF-8 files instead of the default ANSI encoding.
Created new config option to hold the top-level categories url so that it can be referenced in breadcrumbs etc instead of shopdisplaycategories.asp being hard-coded.
Corrected link in the admin menu version block.
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz$164_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_menu.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_inc_vars.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_system.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz$164_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_cfm_$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_cfm_inc_vars.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_cfm_system.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_menu.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file)
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ164 (version: 11/31-MAY-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Create search engine friendly category pages at the push of a button.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 This bundle includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ143 You need to have BYZ116 (V27 or above) installed for BYZ164 to work. BYZ116 is NOT included within the BYZ164 module.
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Licensing/Tools for VPCart - BYZ038 Licensing/Tools for VPCart - BYZ038
Date Change was released: 20-MAY-2015 (BYZ038/32)
Added extra tools/options for paging/searching blocks, to be used in various other BYZ modules going forwards and also available for custom-created usage.
For a full list of effected files, see the version history readme file that comes with the BYZ038 module.
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ038 (version: 35/04-MAY-2016)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
This allows the licensing and general tools of BigYellowZone software to work properly.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Needed for all Big Yellow Zone products that use VPCart.
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Content Management Enhancements for VPCart (Static Content Pages, and content-in-panels) - BYZ110 Content Management Enhancements for VPCart (Static Content Pages, and content-in-panels) - BYZ110
Date Change was released: 01-MAY-2015 (BYZ110/25)
Changed to use the new BYZ038 functions where appropriate.
Split out some admin screen logic into separate files to allow for easier maintenance when dealing with vpasp version-specific differences.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V15 to V31).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V10 to V18).
Upgraded BYZ143 (from V03 to V05).
Upgraded BYZ162 (from V05 to V10).
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Created new config option and changed file-generation logic so that the static files can be created as UTF-8 files instead of the default ANSI encoding.
For a full list of effected files, see the history readme file that comes with this modules zip file.
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ110 (version: 25/01-MAY-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Create search engine friendly content pages at the push of a button, and/or display content data within your existing pages/panels.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 This bundle includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ143 BYZ162
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Live Update for VPCart - BYZ036 Live Update for VPCart - BYZ036
Date Change was released: 01-APR-2015 (BYZ036/18)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V28 to V31).
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Added extra logic to the version-check to help avoid cache problems (ie to make sure that the version-check is always truly live and up to date).
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
byz$036_version.asp (changed file for all VPCart versions)
byz_vpaspaddons.asp (changed file for all VPCart versions)
byz_vpaspaddons_$config.asp (changed file for all VPCart versions)
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ036 (version: 19/04-MAY-2016)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Easily see which addons you have on your site, along with a traffic light system so you can easily spot where upgrades are available
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Used for version control and information. Needed for all Big Yellow Zone products that use VPCart. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 This module includes: BYZ038
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Licensing/Tools for VPCart - BYZ038 Licensing/Tools for VPCart - BYZ038
Date Change was released: 01-APR-2015 (BYZ038/31)
Changed the ajax javascript function to do a more reliable posting process, and created a new ajax javascript function to post a form to a given url without returning the output.
Created various new ASP library functions for use in other BYZ modules and/or customized code.
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
For a full list of effected files, see the version history readme file that comes with the BYZ038 module.
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ038 (version: 35/04-MAY-2016)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
This allows the licensing and general tools of BigYellowZone software to work properly.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Needed for all Big Yellow Zone products that use VPCart.
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Enhanced Paging/Searching for VPCart - BYZ116 Enhanced Paging/Searching for VPCart - BYZ116
Date Change was released: 01-APR-2015 (BYZ116/27)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V29 to V31).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V17 to V18).
Upgraded BYZ033 (from V19 to V20).
Upgraded BYZ025 (from V08 to V09).
Upgraded BYZ162 (from V09 to V10).
Upgraded BYZ121 (from V10 to V11).
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Added an extra option to category filters to allow you to split filters up into separate filter codes for each parent category so that you can list the sub-categories underneath each of the corresponding parents on the filter side panel.
Changed how the page-numbers are processed to make them more accurate.
General tidy-up of some of the html/text that gets displayed/used.
For a full list of effected files, see the version history file that come with the new zip file.
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ116 (version: 28/27-AUG-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Enhance your customers visit by giving them improved search results.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 BYZ025 BYZ121 BYZ162 (relevant to VPCart V7 or above only) This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 BYZ025 BYZ121 BYZ162 (relevant to VPCart V7 or above only)
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Error Logging for ASP - BYZ188 Error Logging for ASP - BYZ188
Date Change was released: 01-APR-2015 (BYZ188/03)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V28 to V31).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V17 to V18).
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
byz$188_version.asp (changed file)
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ188 (version: 04/30-JUL-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Create detailed log files automatically every time a user on your site gets a 500 Server Error, and allow the site visitor to see a friendly customizable screen that indicates an error has occurred. The user will not see the full error, but the log files that you have access to via FTP will have a full stack with everything you need to know about what the user was doing at the time and what the error was and who the user was. You can also dump the stack from anywhere within your own ASP code.
Compatible with any classic asp system (generic asp, and any version of VPCart)
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Related Categories Display for VPCart - BYZ121 Related Categories Display for VPCart - BYZ121
Date Change was released: 01-APR-2015 (BYZ121/11)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V19 to V31).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V14 to V18).
Upgraded BYZ033 (from V17 to V20).
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz$121_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz$121_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv8andabove* (new folders/files)
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ121 (version: 11/01-APR-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Allows you to cross-sell categories in a similar way to how you can cross-sell products.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8 Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 This product is also available in the module: BYZ116
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