| | Latest version: | | 11/31-MAY-2015 | From vendor: | | Big Yellow Zone | For Terms and Conditions, click here Please do not purchase any BigYellowZone products/services or request technical support until you have read and agree with the terms and conditions. | Price: | | £50.00 | add to cart |
Compatibility, Bundling, and Status Notes: | Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8
This bundle includes:
You need to have BYZ116 (V27 or above) installed for BYZ164 to work.
BYZ116 is NOT included within the BYZ164 module. |
Demos/Samples: (click on a link below to see the corresponding demo/sample) |
Demo System |
Our demo area is loaded with most of the SEO modules, BYZ110 for static content pages, BYZ163 for static product-detail pages, BYZ164 for static category pages, BYZ116 for enhanced searching/paging, BYZ121 for related-categories on search results, BYZ158 for the browsable sitemap, BYZ161 for predictive search on the search mini-form at the top. |
Use the "Category File Manager" (a suite of admin screens provided with the addon) to automatically set filenames for your categories records and then create all those files in bulk.
PLEASE NOTE: You need to have installed BYZ116 (V27 or above) before you can use BYZ164. BYZ116 is NOT included within the BYZ164 module, you'll have to buy/get/upgrade BYZ116 separately if you want to use BYZ164. BYZ164 will not work with versions of BYZ116 below V27.
This will create static files to mimic "shopdisplaycategories.asp?id=x&cat=y" urls (ie lists of sub-categories for a given category) and will also create static files to mimic "shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=x&cat=y" urls (ie lists of products that are in a given category).
You can then point your default category links to either of those pairs of static files. (the sub-category-list static files will only get created for non-bottom-level categories).
It will also perform 301 redirections which are search engine friendly (or canonical tags, depending on what you choose in your config options), so that existing non-static urls will get moved onto the new urls without your search engine indexing becoming duplicated, penalised, or error'd. |
Technical/Developer Information: The "Category File Manager" has 5 screens/tools:
1) Auto-Set FileName data
Using an existing column as your base (such as catdescription) you can set all your category filenames values to an automatically-translated valid filename (eg turn "Sony TV" as a category value to "sony-tv.asp" in your filename field) - This can be done in a single shot without editing the individual records.
This also has a test-run facility so that you can see the old/new file status without updating the data.
2) Bulk-Edit FileName data
Using a multi-record screen (one row per product record), you can, if you want, edit all your filename values in one simple screen.
3) Validate FileName data
Displays a summary of any categories records which have invalid (or duplicate) filename values.
4) Create Folders
Automatically create any missing category folders using your categories filename data (this stage/option is only relevant/usable if you've also got BYZ027 installed).
5) Create Files
Press a button to generate all your static category files in one go. This also has a test-run facility so that you can see the old/new file status without creating the new files.
If using the combination of BYZ027 and BYZ164 then you can create any category file in any folder with any name, and validate/generate all the folders/files at the push of a button (if you're not using BYZ027 then the static category files can only be browsed from your main vpasp folder). We know that VPCart V7/V8 already allows you to do something similar, but this is a totally dedicated caetgory file/folder management solution/sub-system.
Redirection from your dynamic (shopdisplaycategories.asp and shopdisplayproducts.asp) urls to the corresponding static (eg "sony-tvs.asp") files is included within the module; you can configure it to do "301" redirects, "Canonical" header tags, or no redirection. 301 and canonical will allow search engines to not penalise duplicate urls and will keep your ranking. This module will also allow you to change your static urls (eg "sonytvs.asp" to "sony-tvs.asp") and the old static url will automatically redirect/canonical-tag in the same way when people land on the old static page. |
Terms and Conditions: | For terms, conditions, and licensing information for all BigYellowZone products/services, please click here. Please do not purchase any BigYellowZone products/services or request technical support until you have read and agree with the terms and conditions. |
Full Version History:
Version Date
Release Notes
Initial version - Big Yellow Zone Category File Management Enhancements For VP-ASP. |
Added extra logic to ignore hidden categories on the category file manager screens.
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$164_version.asp (file changed)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$164_version.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (file changed) |
Added extra variables available globally that indicate whether a sub-category listing page (shopdisplaycategories.asp or a static equivalent) is being browsed, or whether a product summary page (shopdisplayproducts.asp or a static equivalent) for a given category is being browsed, and another variable to indicate the corresponding category being browsed (see usage notes for more info).
Added extra redirection logic so that static urls can be changed, and the old static file will redirect (or use a canonical tag depending on your config options) to the corresponding new static url.
Corrected html error on the stage 2 screen.
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$164_version.asp (file changed)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_inc_fun.asp (file changed)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_inc_vars.asp (file changed)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_redirection_inc.asp (file changed)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_redirection_shopdisplaycategories_inc.asp (file changed)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_redirection_shopdisplayproducts_inc.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$164_version.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cfm_inc_fun.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cfm_inc_vars.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cfm_redirection_inc.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cfm_redirection_shopdisplaycategories_inc.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cfm_redirection_shopdisplayproducts_inc.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_editdata.asp (file changed) |
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V12 to V13).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V07 to V08).
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$164_version.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$164_version.asp (file changed) |
Added extra installation steps to help avoid copying static urls onto new categories when you use the copy-record process in admin, and to label the static URL field in the admin edit-category page.
Split file/folder encoding functions (translation from data to valid file/folder names) out into separate files and changed the encoding logic to do more translations of special characters.
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$164_version.asp (file changed)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_$configencoding.asp (new file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (file changed)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_fun_encode_file.asp (new file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_fun_encode_folder.asp (new file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_inc_fun.asp (file changed)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_system.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$164_version.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cfm_inc_fun.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cfm_system.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_$configencoding.asp (new file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_fun_encode_file.asp (new file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_fun_encode_folder.asp (new file) |
Changed the function which checks the static file exists to use a more efficient method.
Changed the function which gets the column values/names for a given query to use the BYZ method instead of the generic VPASP method as some versions of VPASP have bugs in the GetFieldValues logic.
Changed the admin screens to use the generic BYZ cursor opening/closing functions to help avoid cursors getting blanked-out with 8k/memo (text/ntext) bugs.
Added extra notes to explain Ongoing Maintenance on the usage notes.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V13 to V14).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V08 to V09).
Please Note: If upgrading from a previous version of BYZ164, you must make sure you are using V14 or above of BYZ038 before upgrading to BYZ164 V06 or above.
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$164_version.asp (file changed)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$164_version.asp (file changed)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cfm_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (changed file) |
Changed more functions to use the generic BYZ cursor opening/closing functions to help avoid cursors getting blanked-out with 8k/memo (text/ntext) bugs and to use less memory.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V14 to V15).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V09 to V10).
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$164_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_redirection_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$164_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cfm_redirection_inc.asp (changed file) |
Added extra logic to the redirection on the customer side to deal with situations where a category is not yet in the static category file table.
Added extra logic to the validation stage function to deal with more permutations of relative and virtual static urls.
Changed the admin screen category queries to use a more efficient query (a union instead of an outer join) which has substantially improved the speed of the category file manager admin screens.
Changed more code to use BYZ038 tools where appropriate.
Changed the encoding of data to file/folders to be more efficient.
Added version checks to documentation files.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V15 to V28).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V10 to V17).
Upgraded BYZ143 (from V03 to V04).
Please Note: If upgrading from a previous version of BYZ164, you must make sure you are using V25 or above of BYZ038 before upgrading to BYZ164 V08 or above.
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$164_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_fun_encode_file.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_fun_encode_folder.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_menu.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_editdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_setdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_valdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_redirection_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_system.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$164_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cfm_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cfm_redirection_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cfm_system.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_fun_encode_file.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_fun_encode_folder.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_menu.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_editdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_setdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_valdata.asp (changed file) |
Changed the category tree calculation function that the admin screens use to no longer use recursive cursors as this was causing issues on some databases and also slowing it down.
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$164_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$164_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (changed file) |
Changed the category tree calculation and validation functions that the admin screens use to be more efficient, especially for the duplicate-file checks etc.
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$164_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$164_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (changed file) |
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V28 to V32).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V17 to V18).
Upgraded BYZ143 (from V04 to V05).
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Created new config option and changed file-generation logic so that the static files can be created as UTF-8 files instead of the default ANSI encoding.
Created new config option to hold the top-level categories url so that it can be referenced in breadcrumbs etc instead of shopdisplaycategories.asp being hard-coded.
Corrected link in the admin menu version block.
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz$164_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_admin_menu.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_inc_vars.asp (changed file)
vpcartv6.5andbelow/byz_cfm_system.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz$164_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_cfm_$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_cfm_inc_vars.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_cfm_system.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_admin_menu.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/admin/byz_cfm_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file) |