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Related Categories Display for VPCart - BYZ121

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Allows you to cross-sell categories in a similar way to how you can cross-sell products.

Related Categories Display for VPCart - BYZ121
Latest version:11/01-APR-2015
From vendor:Big Yellow Zone
For Terms and Conditions, click here
Please do not purchase any BigYellowZone
products/services or request technical
support until you have read and agree with
the terms and conditions.
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Compatibility, Bundling, and Status Notes:
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8
Before installing, you must have installed:

This product includes:

This product is also available in the module:

(click on a link below to see the corresponding demo/sample)
Sample Search Results with Filters/Paging Our demo area is loaded with most of the SEO modules, BYZ110 for static content pages, BYZ163 for static product-detail pages, BYZ164 for static category pages, BYZ116 for enhanced searching/paging, BYZ121 for related-categories on search results, BYZ158 for the browsable sitemap, BYZ161 for predictive search on the search mini-form at the top.

How it works:
For any categories that you want to cross-sell, you use one of your spare categories columns to stamp the related categories onto (ie a list of categoryids, separated by commas).

When your customers view the products for a given category, the corresponding list of cross-sold categories are shown at the top of the results (the full tree of each cross-sold category, with each element linked to a search)

You can also optionally put cross-sold categories onto product templates (eg to cross-sell categories on product detail pages, or even on product-summary pages on a per-product basis).

Technical/Developer Information:
Formatting/html is easily customized as the relevant output logic is split-out from the main logic into configuration files.

Terms and Conditions:
For terms, conditions, and licensing information for all BigYellowZone products/services, please click here.
Please do not purchase any BigYellowZone products/services or request technical support until you have read and agree with the terms and conditions.

Full Version History:
VerNo Version Date Release Notes
01 09-NOV-2007 Initial version - Big Yellow Zone Related Categories For VP-ASP
02 18-JAN-2009 Upgraded BYZ038 (from V08 to V10).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V04 to V05).
Upgraded BYZ033 (from V05 to V06).
Created version file for reference/info.
Effected Files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$121_version.asp (new file)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_header.asp (changed file)
03 25-MAR-2009 Fixed a bug which was corrupting the main product query when the xselectproductsbylanguage config option was set to Yes.
Lengthened arrays to 5000 to allow for longer lists.
Effected Files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$121_version.asp (changed file)
byz_rlc_related_categories_inc.asp (changed file)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_treesingle.asp (changed file)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_treesplit.asp (changed file)
04 30-MAR-2009 Minor changes to html to allow it to fully pass html validation.
Changed number of columns to show to default to 2 instead of 1 in config file.
Effected Files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$121_version.asp (changed file)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config.asp (changed file)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_notree.asp (changed file)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_treesingle.asp (changed file)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_treesplit.asp (changed file)
05 09-MAR-2010 Changed to be compatible with VPASP V7.
Corrected bug which was causing variable-undefined errors if xproductmatchcustomer was set to Yes.
Added spacing/styles to cell formatting.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V10 to V12).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V05 to V07).
Upgraded BYZ033 (from V06 to V09).
NOTE: If upgrading from a previous version, please read installation notes as the includes are now in a different place and you need 2 of them instead of just one.
Effected Files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$121_version.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_rlc_related_categories_inc.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_rlc_related_categories_vars_inc.asp (new file for all vpasp versions)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
06 27-MAR-2011 Upgraded BYZ038 (from V12 to V13).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V07 to V08).
Upgraded BYZ033 (from V09 to V10).
Changed product match and customer match logic.
Centralised category and product core query restrictions.
Tuned for memory to only set array sizes when needed.
The new structure of the logic also speeds up the query/display as no separate is category viewable process is needed anymore as thats done in the main query.
NOTE: To upgrade to V06 or later of BYZ121, you must ensure youre using BYZ038 V13 or above first.
Effected Files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$121_version.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_rlc_related_categories_inc.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
07 14-APR-2011 Upgraded BYZ033 (from V10 to V11).
Changed related categories template field to use array as an argument instead of just the cursor.
Effected Files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$121_version.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_template_codes_codes_related_cats.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
08 20-APR-2011 Added extra config option for showing counts on non-bottom level categories.
Added extra config option to be able to choose between using the default links, or to specifically always use product-summary links (ie to always use shopdisplayproducts.asp links, or to use shopdisplayproducts/categories.asp links depending on whether or not sub-categories exist).
Added better compatibility with BYZ164 (Static Category Pages) so that you can link to static category pages by setting a new config option.
Split out some files/logic into separate files to make compatibility with different versions of vpasp (and customization) easier.
Changed the default configuration options to be in line with default vpasp abilities/options (ie before any addons are added), and added extra notes/help to the config options.
Effected Files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$121_version.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_rlc_related_categories_inc.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_rlc_related_categories_inc_catdetails.asp (new file for all vpasp versions)
byz_rlc_related_categories_inc_vpaspversions.asp (new file for all vpasp versions)
byz_rlc_related_categories_vars_inc.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_notree.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_treesingle.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_treesplit.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
09 16-NOV-2011 Upgraded BYZ038 (from V13 to V15).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V08 to V10).
Upgraded BYZ033 (from V11 to V13).
Effected Files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$121_version.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
10 15-OCT-2012 Changed to use the generic BYZ cursor opening/closing functions to help avoid cursors getting blanked-out with 8k/memo (text/ntext) bugs and to help minimise memory usage.
Changed the function which checks the static file exists to use a more efficient method.
Changed to use the new generic BYZ038 functions where appropriate.
Added extra checks to ensure that incorrectly stamped highercategoryid values do not cause infinite loops.
Added extra encoding logic for the output of the category descriptions to avoid html errors with special characters.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V15 to V19).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V10 to V14).
Upgraded BYZ033 (from V13 to V17).
Added live version/upgrade checks to the documentation documents.
Split the documentation into separate files for each section.
Please Note: If upgrading from a previous version of BYZ121, you must make sure you are using V19 or above of BYZ038 before upgrading to BYZ121 V10 or above.
Effected Files:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$121_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_rlc_related_categories_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_rlc_related_categories_inc_catdetails.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_rlc_related_categories_inc_vpaspversions.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_notree.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_treesingle.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_treesplit.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_header.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz$121_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_rlc_related_categories_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_rlc_related_categories_inc_catdetails.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_rlc_related_categories_inc_vpaspversions.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_notree.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_treesingle.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_body_treesplit.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config_header.asp (changed file)
11 01-APR-2015 Upgraded BYZ038 (from V19 to V31).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V14 to V18).
Upgraded BYZ033 (from V17 to V20).
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz$121_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz$121_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7/byz_template_codes_functions_related_cats$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv8andabove* (new folders/files)